Hello, my name is Chris, but you'll probably call me


and I build websites and website accessories. I currently reside in Birmingham, AL, where I obsess over Javascript. With a background in the Hospitality Industry, I deliver awesome Fullstack Web Apps that will change your life.
Get in touch here:

Project 0


Zelp is web app that I was contracted for via Upwork. The Client provided mockups, and a video of what the app needed to achieve. The app helps people decide where to go for food by returning a list of top rated restaurants in a selected city by serving a user's preferred choice of cuisine.

Completed Dec 2017
Project 1


ShiptHub is responsive web app that I completed as a take home coding challenge for Shipt. I based the layout and design after taking inspiration from their homepage. The app allows you to quickly and easily search Github's User Database and returns the avatars of a User's followers. To enhance the User Experience, I created profile pictures of sample users to search.

Completed Sept 2017